Here are I written some helpful tips about fat cutting guide for bodybuilding. Below is a list of basic extremely important guidelines. The more responsible you are with these guidelines, the better, quicker and healthier.

1: DIET Plan

5 meals/snacks a day, 250-350/cal each (1500cal/day). Search google for healthy meals/snack/etc and buy a food scale to weigh out your meals. You should find foods like eggs, jerky, almonds, tuna, chicken, whole-grain bread, natural peanut butter, strawberries, apples, etc.

Eat your high-carb/high-protein meals (i.e. eggs and bread, or tuna sandwich) for breakfast and before working out. Eat low-carb/high-protein meals/snacks throughout the remainder of the day.

DON'T EAT 3 HOURS BEFORE GOING TO BED! The fastest weeks of losing weight for me was the weeks when I followed my diet strictly and did NOT eat 3 hours before bed.

Your diet is working out.If you're sweating hard every day in the gym, but eating trash, you won't see efficient results. Follow a STRICT diet. Have a cheat meal once a week if you need to, but don't be crazy with it. The more bad stuff you eat, the further your backtracking.


 2: Fitness

Lucky for you, your main goal is to lose weight. So, you have multiple options for working out. You can go to the gym, do p90x, workout at home, etc... The important thing is that you're working out your whole body (i.e. chest and triceps on Monday, back and biceps on Tuesday, legs and shoulders on Wednesday, the repeat,, repeat...). Work out 5 days/wk for 30-60 minutes each.

Sweat hard, work hard, diet hard and your results will be great. You should start to see results in your body weight after the first week or two (once your body begins to utilize your diet for weight loss). THIS IS A FULL-PROOF game plan. I've been on it for 3 months, and I hope you are just as successful if not more with it! Good luck and I hope this helps.