Mila kunis is  a popular hollywod sexy actress. Today I sharing for you Mila kunis fitness exercise workout routine. This workout combines strength and endurance, consisting of six movements done in a circuit for 40 minutes with no rest.


#1: Walkover Pushups

How to do it: Start in a plank position with both hands on a box, step or other raised surface. Step off with one hand moving to the floor and one hand remaining on the box. Do a full pushup and then return to the first position and alternate to the other side. Complete six reps on each side.

Tip:  If you’re a beginner, try these on your knees.


#2:  Mountain Climbers

How to do it: Start in a plank position and then pull one foot up and underneath you so that your knee is at chest level. Alternate foot position rapidly, as if running in place. Complete six reps on each side.

Tip: Keep your butt level and don't bounce up and down.

#3: TRX Row

How to do it: Grab the handles of your TRX (palms turned inwards) and walk down into an inverted prone position. With your back straight and ribcage up, pull your hands to your ribcage from the extended position. Complete six reps.

Tip: You can also lower a bar on a smith machine or a squat rack, climb underneath and do the same thing.

#4: Bootstrapper Squats

How to do it: Take the handle of a dumbbell in both hands so that they are in an overlapping baseball bat grip. Straighten your arms and forward fold, keeping your legs straight. With both your arms and legs straight, set your elbows on your knees and maintain contact throughout the motion. As if dragging the weight, drop your butt toward your heels and bring the lagging weight up and under your chin.  Still with us? That is one rep. Complete six reps.

Tip: Consult this video if you still need help.

#5: Stir the Kettle

How to do it:  Hold an olympic bar with both hands and place one end of the bar on the floor into a corner of a wall. Raise the other end of the bar up to chest level and lean into it slightly, still holding it with both hands. Make a big full circle, as if stirring a large kettle (hence the name). Complete six reps in each direction.

Tip: Use a towel so that you don't damage the wall.

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